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這兩本書分別來自貝塔 和所出版 。

國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 洪為璽所指導 洪御哲的 應用文字探勘於業配文揭露偵測 (2021),提出Google Doc關鍵因素是什麼,來自於業配文、內容行銷、文字探勘、機器學習、自然語言處理。

而第二篇論文國立臺北商業大學 企業管理系(所) 李慶長所指導 高瑞敏的 KOL 對消費意願影響之研究 (2021),提出因為有 KOL、消費意願、SOR模型的重點而找出了 Google Doc的解答。

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除了Google Doc,大家也想知道這些:

雙語課室英文句典(MP3 音檔+實用字彙補帖線上下載)

為了解決Google Doc的問題,作者薛詠文 這樣論述:

── 後疫新常態 ── 遠距雙語教學上路,教師專業增能! 補強全英語授課技巧, 提升課程與活動規劃能力, 帶上本書隨身進修,改善快速有感!   本書特色     因應全球化及新冠疫情期間的「停課不停學」方針,各級學校利用遠距線上教學方式來應對停課數月的措施漸漸成為新的學習方式,從摸索中不斷創造出各科目對應的線上教案;又因政府提出「雙語國家政策發展藍圖」,以 2030 年為目標將台灣打造為雙語國家,許多學校推動全英語課室也行之有年。面對如此的挑戰,身為教師/學生的你,競爭力準備好了嗎?     ◎ 六大情境✕50 個主題,全面支援線上英語教學必備句典!   基本用語、課程簡介、講課、帶領活動

、成效評量、師生互動、學生之間的交流,   線上教學特有的語言、可能的問題與問題排除等,一定要事先預備起來,   當線上遇到時才不致驚慌,方可從容地用最自然的口語表達出來。     ▲ 例如「檢查連線、音源、影像」時,這樣的情境很常見:   [教師協調最佳連線]   □  We’ve lost Jessica. Hold on a second.   潔西卡斷線了。請等一下。   □  John, you’re breaking up.   約翰,你聽起來斷斷續續的耶。   □  All of you, please keep your mics on mute.    請大家將麥克風調靜音。

  □  Please check if your mic is plugged in.    請檢查你的麥克風是否有插好。   □  Jack, could you please speak up a bit?    傑克,你可以講大聲點嗎?   □  Is Daniel here? Oh, no. We lost Daniel.   丹尼爾在嗎?不會吧,丹尼爾離線了。   □  I’m sharing the syllabus. Do you all see it on the screen now?    我將課程表分享出來,大家都有在螢幕上看到嗎?     ◎ 【師】英語線上教學的實

務小訣竅,知道了讓課堂更順利!   在忙於充實學科專業知識與相關實作技能的同時,   如何順暢地以英語下達指令、設計活動並與學生溝通等,   同樣也是成為一名雙語教師必經之訓練。   作者具備相當豐富之實體及線上課程的經驗,   在本書中獨家披露多則具體的實務小 Tips,   幫助教師群讀者節省時間,在線上英語課堂中更快上手。     ▲ [Useful Tips #1]   在協助上線學員排解軟硬體困難時,最重要的是要使用明確的語言。比方說,要請學員查看是否有看到某個按紐,避免模糊地說 “Do you see an icon there?「你有沒看到一個按鍵?」,而應明確地說:“Do yo

u see a blue icon in the upper right corner?「你在右上角有沒有看到一個藍色的按鍵?」,如此便可讓學員更有效率地操作。     ▲ [Useful Tips #2]   線上課程缺乏直接的人際互動。因此,線上課程教師的責任之一是要善用線上工具來與學員互動。比方說,透過 google doc 共編文件,或是利用 Pear Deck、Kahoot!、Quizizz、Padlet 等工具跟學員有些交流。     ▲ [Useful Tips #3]   做完討論活動之後,教師通常會請同學發表討論結果與看法等,若僅是問 “Any volunteers?” 請同

學自願發表的話,通常結果就是一片安靜。要解決這樣的問題、讓學生提振精神,教師可直接點名或請每人輪流發表,亦或採取些製造緊張感的小撇步,例如丟骰子擲號碼叫學號,或用電腦隨機抽籤等都是不錯的方式。     ◎ 【生】參與全英語線上課程的學生,練出流暢的聽・說能力。   隨著愈來愈多學校開設全英語課程之風潮,以及從傳統教室走向雲端教學的趨勢,過往「學生坐在教室內聽中文授課、手寫考卷」的景象想必也會逐漸減少。在未來「雙語國家」政策逐漸普及時,學生們勢必須跳出舒適圈,參與線上課程並全程使用英語上課的機會大增。      本書亦囊括學生可現學現用的大量實用句和字彙,從向教授提問、同儕互動到線上做簡報等。藉

由本書之特訓,有助於熟悉各種學習情境,並培養自然語速的英文口語聽解力,同時更有自信地開口說英語。     ▲ 參與國際課程的學生之間   A:The history class this afternoon will be conducted on Webex.   今天下午的歷史課會在 Webex 上進行喔。   B:I thought the professor preferred MS Teams. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to install the Webex application before class.   我以為教授喜歡用 MS Teams。好

吧,我想我還是必須在上課前先把 Webex 應用程式安裝好。     A:The first opinion essay is due on Friday, isn’t it? I don’t think I can get it done by then.   第一份意見論文要在週五交,對嗎?我覺得我可能寫不完耶。   B:Maybe you can talk to the professor and ask for an extension.   也許你可以和教授談談,看能不能延後交。     ◎ BONUS!! 論線上教學──表達觀點特訓   雖說線上課程愈發普遍且許多師生也有「回不去了

」的感覺,   但如同所有事物一樣,線上課程也有優缺點與正反兩面評價。   當有機會與其他教師或跟同學討論自己對線上課程的看法時,   以及在各種寫作時針對此熱門議題發表論點時,你能否侃侃而談?   本單元歸納要點並提供範本(包括短文和對話),幫助讀者暢言無礙!     ◎ 線上下載 MP3 音檔,隨時隨地聆聽,學習不受限!   ・特邀外師專業錄製,發音標準、自然。   ・超值加贈「六大學科領域必備字彙」   (商業、科技、教育、工程、文學、醫療)   透過書籍隨附刮刮卡,上網 ( 啟用序號後即可下載聆聽使用。     更多即時更新訊息請造訪貝塔官網 

Google Doc進入發燒排行的影片

來賓:中東政治經濟專家 劉長政教授〈英國杜倫大學中東政治經濟學博士〉
主題:石油輸出國鬧內訌 OPEC+協商破局 推升油價?
節目時間:週一至週五 07:00-09:00am

#陳鳳馨​​ #石油輸出國家組織 #全球石油供需平衡及預期

OPEC 成立於 1960 年,總部設立於維也納,目前成員國包含沙特、伊朗、伊拉克、科威特、委內瑞拉、阿聯酋、阿爾及利亞、安哥拉、赤道幾內亞、加彭、利比亞、奈及利亞、剛果共和國,表定每年舉辦兩次會議,針對當前的油市進行評估,並進行原油配額生產的調整。

2016 年,部分非 OPEC 國家加入 OPEC 組成 OPEC+,並達成減產協議以提振低迷的油價,M平方結合 OPEC+ 整體減產目標和產量變化來計算減產達成率。

由於整體 OPEC+ 國家石油儲量佔比超過 7 成,因此產能變化影響全球市場,若減產達成率越高,對油價的支撐力越強,反之亦然。

註① 非 OPEC 國家為統計俄羅斯、墨西哥、阿曼、亞賽拜然、蘇丹、汶萊、巴林、馬來西亞、南蘇丹、哈薩克。DOC 公布非 OPEC 減產國家不含哈薩克。

註② 厄瓜多爾於 2020/1/1 退出 OPEC。

📌 資料來源:財經M平方

📣 更多 #財經起床號 專題影音:


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為了解決Google Doc的問題,作者洪御哲 這樣論述:



Sustainable Management and Utilization of Sewage Sludge

為了解決Google Doc的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Dr. Vishnu D Rajput earned degrees with good academic records in Agriculture and Biological Sciences: B.Sc. Ag, subsequently M.Sc. Ag from CS Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, India, Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and Post-doc from Southern Federal University, Russia. Pres

ently, he is working as a Leading Researcher (Assoc. Prof.) at Sothern Federal University, Russia. His ongoing research is based on soil contaminations, i.e, potentially toxic elements, and metallic nanoparticles, and investigating the bioaccumulation, bio/geo-transformations, uptake, translocation,

and toxic effects of metallic nanoparticles on plant physiology, morphology, anatomy, the ultrastructure of cellular and subcellular organelles, cytomorphomatric modifications, and DNA damage. He comprehensively detailed the state of research in environmental science in regard to "how nanoparticles

/heavy metals interact with plants, soil, microbial community, and the larger environment. He has published (total of 168 scientific publications) 98 peer-reviewed highly rated full-length articles, 07 books, 20 chapters (Scopus indexed), conference articles. He is an internationally recognized revi

ewer (peer-reviewed more than 85 manuscript for internationally repute journals) and received an outstanding reviewing certificate by Elsevier & Springer. He is an editorial board member of Eurasian Journal of Soil Science (ISSN 2147-4249), SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology (

ISSN 1412-3606), Emergent Life Sciences Research (ISSN: 2395-6658) and serving as guest editor, Plants (ISSN 2223-7747, IF-2.76), and Frontiers in Agronomy (2673-3218). He received "certificate for appreciation 2019" "Certificate of Honor 2020" by Southern Federal University, Russia, for outstanding

contribution in academic, creative research, and publication activities. He has also received the prestigious status "Highly Qualified Specialist" by SFedU and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav is an assistant professor (Senior Scale) in the Department of Biotechnology,

Dr. Khem Singh Gill Akal College of Agriculture, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, India. He has 5 years of teaching and 11 years of research experiences in the field of microbial biotechnology, microbial diversity and plant-microbe-interactions. He obtained his doctorate degree in S

cience (Microbial Biotechnology), jointly from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India. He has made pioneering contributions in the area ofmicrobial biotechnology, plant-microbes interaction and environmental microbiology. Dr. Yadav h

as 201 publications with h-index 46, i10-index 118, and 5551 citations (Google Scholar). Dr. Yadav is editors of 14 books in Springer, 2 books in Elsevier, and 5 books in CRC press, Taylor & Francis. Dr. Yadav has got 12 Best Paper Presentation Awards, and 01 Young Scientist Award (NASI-Swarna Jayan

ti Purskar). Dr. Yadav received "Outstanding Teacher Award" in 6th Annual Convocation 2018 by Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh. Dr. Yadav is currently handling two projects funded by DEST and HIMCOSTE. Presently he is guiding 05 Scholars for PhD degree. He has been serving as an edit

or/editorial board member and reviewer for different national and international peer-reviewed journals. He has lifetime membership of Association of Microbiologist in India, and Indian Science Congress Council, India. Hanuman Singh Jatav is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Soil science an

d Agriculture Chemistry, Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner Jaipur (Rajasthan) India. He has more than 3 years of teaching and 7 years of research experience in the field of Sewage Sludge, Biochar, Micronutrients, Heavy Metals Soil Fertility Management including M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D.

He has completed B.Sc. (Ag.) Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur-Rajasthan, India and further he also completed his M.Sc. in Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry from, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- U.P. India. He submitted his

doctorate from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- U.P. India. At present, he is an emerging person in the field of research transforming himself to an excellent scientific level by enhancing research capacity by promoting environmental sustainability. He has published more than 60 Research papers,

Review papers, Book chapters and Technical papers in various national and international repute journals. He is serving as an academic editor and member of subject expertise in Springer, Taylor and Francis, Elsevier, CARJ, JEB, Science Domain, Frontiers for the last three years. He is serving as an

active member of more than 10 various national and international societies. He is also awarded by best paper and poster presentation for his work. He has also attended more than 25 conferences besides this he has also completed more than 20 training pertaining to his research. Dr. Satish Kumar Singh

is a former Head and currently working as Professor in Department of Soil Science & Agricurtural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. He has more than 30 Years of experience in the field of Agriculture in Teaching /Research /Extension. His area o

f specialization is Micronutrients Nutrition and Heavy Metals Pollution. He has completed his Ph.D. in the year 1992 from Banaras Hindu University. He is focusing his research work on Sewage Sludge management/ utilization in agriculture particularly in rice-wheat system. He has guided 25 M.Sc. (Ag)

and 7 Ph.D students. He is Fellow of Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi and Fellow of Indian Society of Agricultural Chemists, Allahabad. He has been involved in process of designing the curriculum and member of board of study of several universities. He is the editor of the Journal of Indian

Society of Soil Science and Agropedology. He has been the Organizing Secretary of the conference and Course Director and Course Coordinator of the Refresher course of UGC and ICAR .He has 9 books,10 book chapters and 115 peer reviewed publications to his credit in National and International Journal

s of the repute. Prof. Dr. Tatiana Minkina is the Head of Soil science and land evaluation department of Southern federal university. The Head of International Master’s Degree Educational Program "Management and estimation of land resources" (2015-2022 years, accreditation by ACQUIN). The area of sc

ientific interest is Soil Science, Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Environmental Soil Chemistry. Soil monitoring, assessment, modeling and remediation using physicochemical treatment methods. Awarded in 2015 with Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for many

years of long-term work for development and improvement of the educational process, significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists. Сurrently, she is handling projects funded by Russian Scientific foundation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Russ

ian foundation of Basic Researches. Member of Expert Group of Russian Academy of Science; the International Committee on Contamination Land; Eurasian Soil Science Societies; the International Committee on Protection of the Environment; the International Scientific Committee of the International Conf

erences on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Total scientific publications: 757 (total 957, 389 in English); Scopus - 216, WoS - 141, scientific publications and citing index: Scopus - 1543, h-index - 20; WoS - 803, h-index - 16.. The invited editor of an Open Access Journal by MDPI "Water", ISSN 2

073-4441 (Impact factor: 2.524). Editorial board member of Geochemistry: Environment, Exploration, Analysis; ISSN: 1467-7873 (Impact factor: 1.109; 5yr IF: 1.769; SJR: 0.334; SNIP: 0.598) and Eurasian Journal of Soil Science; e-ISSN: 2147 - 4249.

KOL 對消費意願影響之研究

為了解決Google Doc的問題,作者高瑞敏 這樣論述:

摘要論文名稱:KOL 對消費意願影響之研究校所別:國立臺北商業大學 企業管理系(所)畢業時間:110 學年度 第一學期研究生:高瑞敏頁數:70學位:碩士指導教授:李慶長隨著互聯網科技的興起與不斷普及,以及科技與媒介環境的不斷發 展,這也催生了許多新興的文化和群體,例如線上直播等一系列產業也蒸 蒸日上。越來越多的商家逐漸意識到 KOL 行銷模式的重要性,便紛紛開 始投入 KOL 行銷。KOL 的內容、形式和特徵也在不斷更新與擴展,逐漸 從線下群體過渡到線上群體。伴隨網紅經濟這一新型商業模式的崛起,自 媒體的興起和粉絲經濟的壯大,KOL 突顯出自身的價值與影響力,並對社 會與消費者產生了一系列巨

大影響。本文以 KOL 與消費者為切入點,根據 SOR 理論構建問卷,並且通過 向社會發放問卷調查並收回相關數據,最後使用 SPSS、PLS 等軟體進行 分析,從而探討 KOL 對消費者的行為會產生何種影響。主要探討 KOL 專 業度、口碑等方面對消費者知覺價值、信任等行為產生的影響,進而是否 會影響消費者的購買意願與親友推薦。研究結果顯示,KOL 專業度會正向影響自身的口碑、消費者信任與知 覺價值;KOL 的口碑會正向影響消費者的信任與知覺價值;而信任與知覺 價值均會正向影響消費者的購買意願與親友推薦。本研究結果可供 KOL 與相關業者經營上的參考。關鍵字:KOL、消費意願、SOR 模型