backyard飾品的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列必買單品、推薦清單和精選懶人包

backyard飾品的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Benzakein, Erin寫的 Floret Farm’s a Year in Flowers: Designing Gorgeous Arrangements for Every Season (Flower Arranging Book, Bouquet and Floral Des 和Hendry Eaton, Isa,Blaise Kramer, Jennifer的 Small Garden Style: A Design Guide for Outdoor Rooms and Containers都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站佑群老師分享!超高質感飾品,精巧設計直接美瞎眾人!也說明:是哪一款手鍊讓設計師直呼:史上最難的設計?佑群老師介紹前所未見的「蝴蝶鱗片」飾品,上下翻轉巧妙設計讓來賓們驚嘆不已!鑽石、手鍊、戒指、翡翠, ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系 游元隆所指導 郭穎儒的 陶瓷飾品應用於意義治療法之創作 (2018),提出backyard飾品關鍵因素是什麼,來自於意義治療、飾品創作、情感寄託、陶瓷工藝、設計轉換。

最後網站【精品】超級可愛又獨特的yunique BACKYARD,琺瑯飾品令 ...則補充:最近可以在我的粉絲團上看到我配戴可愛動物的小飾品,詢問度也蠻高的,. 因為心中有愛,所以趕緊拍了照來跟大家分享敗家心得文章,.



Floret Farm’s a Year in Flowers: Designing Gorgeous Arrangements for Every Season (Flower Arranging Book, Bouquet and Floral Des

為了解決backyard飾品的問題,作者Benzakein, Erin 這樣論述:

  「美國最美鮮花農場女主人」Erin Benzakein以花藝工具、養護管理和設計技巧為主軸,分享所有設計新鮮花束的秘密!   世界著名花藝設計師Erin Benzakein,不僅是美國鮮花農場「Floret Farm」的女主人,還是園藝師,還是暢銷園藝作家、攝影師和兩個孩子的媽媽。幾年前 Erin離開大都市,來到華盛頓州 Skagit Valley追求簡單的生活,在她與家人努力耕耘下「Floret Farm」成為一個蓬勃發展的鮮花農場。Erin在當地也大力提倡時令花卉產業,她的花藝作品常常被刊登在各大報刊雜誌上,Instagram目前已有將近65萬粉絲追蹤。   本書以Erin Ben

zakein的專業建議為基礎,帶領讀者進入花卉的世界!無論您要從後院採收鮮花、花市買花,或是設計美麗的花藝作品,Erin都能透過詳盡的文字和豐富的照片,為您提供全面的指引。   本書收錄:   •A–Z花卉指南,包含200多個花卉品種的照片和養花技巧。   •有關養護管理、材料選擇和重要設計技巧。   •超過25種指導方法項目,包括裝飾品、送禮花束、喜慶花圈和令人驚嘆的新娘捧花。   打開本書,您會發現其中充滿必不可或缺的技巧和知識,以及數百張生動的照片。這本花藝設計的權威指南,是Erin分享她非凡的天賦,將創造力化為實用與美麗的最佳呈現!書中的概念與花藝實作將帶給讀者許多啟發和對於生活的

感動,並悠遊其中。   Learn how to buy, style, and present seasonal flower arrangements for every occasion.   With sections on tools, flower care, and design techniques, Floret Farm's A Year in Flowers presents all the secrets to arranging garden-fresh bouquets.   Featuring expert advice from Erin Benzakei

n, world-renowned flower farmer, floral designer, and bestselling author of Floret Farm: Cut Flower Garden, this book is a gorgeous and comprehensive guide to everything you need to make your own incredible arrangements all year long, whether harvesting flowers from the backyard or shopping for bloo

ms at the market.   • Includes an A–Z flower guide with photos and care tips for more than 200 varieties.   • Simple-to-follow advice on flower care, material selection, and essential design techniques   • More than 25 how-to projects, including magnificent centerpieces, infinitely giftable posies,

festive wreaths, and breathtaking bridal bouquets   Floret Farm's A Year in Flowers offers advice on every phase of working with cut flowers—including gardening, buying, caring for, and arranging fresh flowers.   Brimming with indispensable tips and hundreds of vibrant photographs, this book is a

n invitation to live a flower-filled life and the perfect gift for anyone who loves flowers.   • The definitive guide to flower arranging from the biggest star in the farm-to-centerpiece movement   • Perfect to gift for flower lovers, avid and novice gardeners, floral designers, wedding planners,

florists, small farmers, stylists, designers, crafters, and those passionate about the local floral movement   • For those who loved Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden by Erin Benzakein, The Flower Recipe Book by Alethea Harampolis, Seasonal Flower Arranging by Ariella Chezar, and The Flower Chef by C

arly Cylinder Erin Benzakein is a farmer-florist and the founder of Floret Farm. Her first book, Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden, won the American Horticultural Society Book Award. She lives in Mount Vernon, Washington. Julie Chai is a writer and editor of lifestyle content. She lives in Los Altos

, California. Jill Jorgensen is the creative director of Floret Farm. She lives in Bellingham, Washington. Chris Benzakein is a photographer and the manager of Floret Farm’s operations. He farms alongside his wife, Erin, in Mount Vernon, Washington.


為了解決backyard飾品的問題,作者郭穎儒 這樣論述:

  飾品常常被視為配戴於頭上之裝飾物;而現代則被使用為服裝或相關環境配套之裝飾物,因此在現代社會中創新飾品品牌也陸續崛起,但以陶瓷為基底的創作品牌相對的較少,且因飾品逐漸轉為人與人之間傳達愛慕之意的代表物,使得市面上的飾品以正面意涵概念為多數,較少是為了帶有負面情緒的族群而設計,例如失去寵物的飼主會因為失去寵物而灰心喪志,因此本創作研究設想將意義治療法(Logotherapy)之觀點應用於陶瓷飾品當中,透過飾品達到緩和心情的作用,並與消費者產生共鳴是本研究探討之重點。  本創作研究以文獻分析法(Document Analysis)探討意義治療與心理學相關理論的意涵及寵物與飼主間的情感連結;透

過案例分析法(Case study)來了解市售商品以及陶藝飾品上傳達的情感及風格;使用訪談法(Interview method)深入了解飼主階段性的情緒轉變;實驗創作階段以問卷調查法驗證其作品之效果,並透過問卷結果及心智圖法創作後續之成品且完整紀錄創作流程,提供日後設計者以及陶藝創作家在開發作品的參考依據。  本研究論文依據研究過程,完成三個系列創作成果,並依據整個流程,將研究結論歸納出以下三點:一、探討法蘭克意義治療法理論,萃取重點元素延伸出核心概念二、實際探討飼主情緒及行為模式,找尋可運用之設計元素三、使用實驗方法之創作模式,將特性、色彩與造型元素應用於成果創作

Small Garden Style: A Design Guide for Outdoor Rooms and Containers

為了解決backyard飾品的問題,作者Hendry Eaton, Isa,Blaise Kramer, Jennifer 這樣論述:

花園與設計巧妙結合! 善用小空間,打造風格獨具的後花園。   簡單生活已然成為潮流,東西少一點創造更多生活空間,迷你花園就此應運而生。而創造一個更符合生態環境、更有效率的空間不代表花園就會單調無趣。園藝設計師Isa Hendry Eaton與生活風格作家Jennifer Blaise Kramer分享藉由設計和創意打造出精緻且充滿愉悅感的花園,並從中獲取更多能量,讓我們以更快樂、更放鬆的心情面對日常。   首先,藉由一些簡單的問題來了解自己想要怎麼樣的花園:傳統的、現代的、繽紛的、混搭的、簡樸的、或是異國風情的。接著丈量好花園的大小後,就可以著手打造心中的夢想花園了。   從本書中,你

會學會如何藉由多肉植物、青草及多彩的花盆打造出令人眼睛一亮的盆栽。此外,作者獨家推薦他們裝點迷你花園的植物和裝飾品、草坪的替代品,以及各式增添花園風格的好物—如小火爐、門上花圈、簡易小果園、石製鳥盆、常春藤、撒香氛的牆、有造景的小噴泉。   不論你的花園有多迷你,這本指南教你如何打造一個充滿生命力的魔幻綠洲!   A stylishly photographed guide to creating lush, layered, dramatic little gardens no matter the size of your available space--an urban patio

, a tiny backyard, or even just a pot by your door.   Petite gardens align with the movement to live smaller and create a life with less stuff and more room for living. But a more eco-friendly and efficient space doesn't have to sacrifice style. In Small Garden Style, garden designer Isa Hendry Eat

on and lifestyle writer Jennifer Blaise Kramer show you how to use good design to create a joyful, elegant, and exciting yet compact outdoor living space for entertaining or relaxing.   A style quiz helps you focus in on your own personal garden style, be it traditional, modern, colorful, eclectic,

minimalist, or globally inspired, then utilize every inch of your yard by considering the horizontal, vertical, and overhead spaces. You'll learn how to design stunning planters and container gardens using succulents, grasses, vibrant-colored pots, and more. Hendry Eaton and Blaise Kramer recommend

their favorite plants and decor for small gardens, along with lawn alternatives and inspiration for making garden accents such as a fire pit, front door wreath, instant mini orchard, boulder birdbath, patterned vines, perfumed wall, and faux fountain with cascading plants.   However small your gar

den, Small Garden Style will transform it into a magical, modern outdoor oasis. After a career in graphic design, Isa Hendry Eaton applied her skills to the garden, launching Isa Bird Landscape Design with clients such as the famed Montecito Inn. Her work has been featured in Better Homes & Garde

ns, HGTV, and Garden Design magazines.Jennifer Blaise Kramer has twenty years’ experience as a home and lifestyle writer for national and regional publications.