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除了before after影片製作,大家也想知道這些:

before after影片製作進入發燒排行的影片



大辛大學快畢業時決定休學,用全部的專注堅持走他想走的路─經營社群。不到一年時間,累積五千粉絲,並且受邀至各大企業、校園擔任專業簡報講師!最近他又集結一群優秀的創作者一起開了個很厲害的FB社團:BXTeam 職涯交流吧!

某天推薦這個社團給新銳 Youtuber「哇喜珮珮」時,他很驚訝我認識大辛並表示他欣賞大辛富有美感與邏輯的創作有段時間了,一直很想認識大辛......看到他發光的眼神,我決定默默幫珮圓夢,找他一起採訪「大辛先生」,結束時珮一直對我說:「我的榮幸!好開心自己參與其中!大辛的分享實在太受用了!」




Welcome to Sunlight~
Finally I had tried to record online. Out of the blue, the quality was acceptable!
Mr. Bigxin decided to quit school before he soon graduated, focusing on social media management. Owning over 5,000 fans within one year, he was invited to give a speech about slides to enterprises and campuses! Recently, he has brought a group of excellent creators together to start an impressive FB group: BXTeam!
One day I recommended the group to Passion, a new youtuber, and then she was surprised that Mr. Bigxin and I were acquainted and said that she wanted to meet Mr. Bigxin because she admired his aesthetic and logical works. Seeing her glowing eyes, I decided to make her dream come true, so I invited her to interview Mr. Bigxin together. After the interview, Passion kept saying that it was her pleasure to take part in the interview because his experience was extremely helpful.
I believe the episode is helpful to people who want to manage social media. Thank Mr. Bigxin for generously sharing his experience of managing social media and finding his way to turn defeat into inspirational stories!
Few days ago, I asked Mr. Bigxin for some tips of making slides. He not only told me his tips but shared a toolkit, which has everything, to me! He’s definitely a creator willing to share~
Still on the fence? Let’s go!

Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

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✒️合作邀約:[email protected]

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主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
翻譯 Translator:Youli